
SOMMER Automazioni s.r.l

+39 0461 263 863

Giorni festivi e giorni di chiusura 11-02-2019

Dear customers,

we would like to inform you that due to Bank Holidays our European offices will be closed on the following dates:

The Netherlands  +31 46 420 0666
22 April  (Easter Monday)
30 May  (Ascension Day)
10 June  (Whit Monday)

United Kingdom  +44 (0) 1904 607869
19 April  (Good Friday)
22 April  (Easter Monday)
6 May  (May Day)
27 May  (Spring Bank Holiday)
26 August  (Late Summer Holiday)

Czech Republic  +420 582 360 100
19 April  (Good Friday)
22 April  (Easter Monday)
1 May  (Labour Day)
8 May  (Liberation Day)
5 July  (Day of St. Cyril and St. Methodius)
28 October  (Day of the Czechoslovak Republic)

Spain  +34 9 3 861 28 25
19 April  (Good Friday)
22 April  (Easter Monday)
1 May  (Labour Day)
15 August  (Assumption of Mary)
11 September  (National Day)
1 November  (All Saints’ Day)
6 December  (Constitution Day)

Italy  +39 0461 263863
22 April  (Easter Monday)
25 April  (Liberation Day)
1 May  (Labour Day)
2 June  (Republic Day)
15 August  (Assumption Day)
1 November  (All Saints’ Day)
8 December  (Immaculate Conception)

Poland  +48 22 846 0989
22 April  (Easter Monday)
1 May  (Labour Day)
3 May  (Constitution Day)
20 June  (Corpus Christi)
15 August  (Assumption of Mary)
1 November (All Saints’ Day)
11 November (Independence Day)

Hungary  +36 1277 4272 
15 March  (National Day)
19 April  (Good Friday)
22 April  (Easter Monday)
1 May  (Labour Day)
10 June  (Whit Monday)
20 August  (National Day)
23 October  (National Day)
1 November  (All Saints’ Day)

For urgent matters, please contact one of the other offices in Europe. 

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