
DOCO International B.V.

+31 (0)46 420 06 66

DOCO receives Certificate of Sustainability 12-04-2024

We are thrilled to share the exciting news that our Dutch subsidiary has been honored with a prestigious sustainability certification, recognizing our unwavering commitment to environmental responsibility. This achievement reflects our ongoing efforts to contribute positively to our planet and embrace eco-friendly practices in our operations.

Here are some of the eco-conscious initiatives we've implemented:

  • LED Lighting

    By switching to energy-efficient LED lighting, we're not only reducing our energy consumption but also minimizing our carbon footprint.

  • Timed Controls

    Implementing timed controls for lights and AC enables us to optimize energy usage by only utilizing these resources when necessary.

  • Energy-Efficient Warehouse Heaters

    Our dedication to sustainability extends to our warehouses, where we've installed energy-efficient heaters to reduce energy consumption and promote environmental stewardship.

  • Pipe Insulation

    Additional pipe insulation has been added to minimize heat loss, ensuring that we maximize energy efficiency throughout our facilities.

  • Workspace Heating

    Opting for workspace heating over room heating allows us to target heating where it's needed most, further enhancing our energy-saving efforts.

  • Gas-Free Assembly Center

    We're proud to announce that our Assembly Center operates entirely without gas, demonstrating our commitment to embracing cleaner energy alternatives.

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